Apple Menu Options 1.0.2: What It Fixes & How To Install

I just downloaded the Apple Menu Options (AMO) control panel version 1.0.2. Can I get more details on what this fixes? Also, how do I install this new version?

Problems That Have Been Fixed

There are three problems that were fixed in AMO 1.0.2:

Throwing Away Locked Aliases
If you locked aliases inside the "recent" folders, AMO could hang when trying to delete locked aliases. Now it ignores them if they are locked.

Throwing Away AMO Prefs File
If you dragged the "Apple Menu Options Prefs" file to the trash, AMO could hang. The prefs file can now be safely trashed.

Disappearing Menus
When installed with System 7.5 or System 7.5 with the System 7.5 Update 1.0 (7.5.1), this update to Apple Menu Options (1.0.2) provides enhancements for menu problems encountered by some Macintosh computer users.

System 7.5 or System 7.5.1 must be installed on your Macintosh computer before Apple Menu Options 1.0.2 can be installed.

The problem reported in earlier versions involved left-most application menus disappearing. The menus could disappear under two scenarios:

* The first is by clicking in the menu bar before the application has finished loading.

* The second is by clicking in a part of the menu bar that does not have any menus. This problem has been corrected in Apple Menu Options 1.0.2.

Installation Steps:

Step 1
Drag the Apple Menu Options (1.0.2) control panel onto your closed System Folder.

Step 2
Your Macintosh will ask in a dialog box if it can place the control panel into the Control Panels folder. Select the OK button.

Step 3
If you have an earlier version of Apple Menu Options, you will be asked if you want to replace it. Select the OK button.

Step 4
Restart your Macintosh computer. Once the control panel has been copied to your System Folder, you must restart for changes (fixes) to take effect.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012