File Sharing: Cannot Share Drive With A Shared Folder (6/95)

I am trying to start file sharing, but when I select the drive to share an error message, "Cannot share selected drive because there is a shared folder contained within it." appears

How can I find the shared folder without physically checking each folder, is there a sort shortcut?

You must first turn off file sharing for all shared folders before you can turn file sharing on for an entire drive.

Try these steps to identify which folders have been shared on your hard drive:

Step 1
Select Control Panels from the Apple menu.

Step 2
Double-click the File Sharing Monitor control panel. In a box on the left side of this window is a names list of all shared items.

Step 3
Select the Find command from the File menu. Type in the name of one of the shared items and click the Find button.

- System Software 7.0 to 7.1.2 finds and highlights an item with that name.
- For System Software 7.5 or later, the Find File application presents a hit list of items found. Click the item with the name you are looking for.

Step 4
Select the Sharing... command from the File menu. The Sharing window for that item appears on the screen.

Step 5
If this item is shared, the Share this item and its contents check box is selected. Click on this check box to deselect it.

Step 6
If the Share this item... check box is not selected, close the Sharing window and select the Find Again command from the File menu in System 7.0 to 7.1.2, or click another item in the hit list in System 7.5. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 until you identify the shared item and it is no longer being shared.

Step 7
Repeat steps 2 through 6 until all shared items are no longer being shared. When no items are being shared, the Shared Items list in the File Sharing Monitor should be empty.

You may now share your hard drive. You may still assign different file sharing permissions (for different users or groups) to folders on the shared drive.

This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 4, Page 4

Article Change History:
13 Jun 1995 - Added kalley keyword; made minor technical updates.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012