The latest GeoPort and Express Modem software releases prior to the Telecom 2.0 software were:
- GeoPort for 68000-based Macintosh AV computers 1.2.2
- GeoPort for Power Macintosh computers 1.0.2
- Express Modem 1.5.5
General Description
Although the software for GeoPort Telecom Adapter and Express Modem hardware share the same code base and have common installer disks, the feature set depends on the hardware you are using.
Common Features For PowerBook, 68000 Macintosh AV,
and Power Macintosh Computers
- Single installer for Apple Fax/Data Modem, Express Modem, Express
. Modem card, GeoPort for Quadra AV, GeoPort for Power Macintosh
- QuickDraw GX fax driver
- Fax Terminal with System 7.5 freeze bug fixed
- Fax MSAM for PowerTalk
- Fast Fax Printing
- Improved fax compatibility
Common 68000-based Macintosh AV and Power Macintosh Features
- Telephone Manager 2.0
- Telephone Tool for CTB support
- Sound Drivers for telephone line and telephone Speakerphone
- Bundled Screen Based Telephone and Voice Message Machine
- Simplified interface for port selection
- Bundled Terminal Emulator (SitComm SE) <- only in kit and via
. UCA upgrade
Power Macintosh Only Features
- Native V.42/V.42bis (error correction/compression) for higher data
. throughput and lower CPU overhead
- Optimized LocalTalk performance when using GeoPort Telecom Adapter
Power Macintosh and PowerBook features
- V.17 Fax giving 14.4 Kbps send/receive (currently fax is 9600 and
. data is already 14.4 Kbps)
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 7, Page 15
Article Change History:
27 Jul 1995 - Updated from Info Alley.
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