AppleShare Client for Windows: Losing Resource Forks

This article describes how Macintosh resource forks can be damaged when making them visible on Windows clients.
Macintosh files with resource forks are hidden from a Windows client user to protect them from damage. To view hidden files, select the Views/By File Type menu item in the File Manager and select the Show Hidden/System Files item.

WARNING: Hidden files can be made visible, if these hidden files are modified, they can be permanently destroyed.

Macintosh files copied or moved on the server by a Windows client can lose their icon information, and Macintosh long names because the Windows File Manager does not support these file attributes. The workaround is to open the file within the Macintosh application while icon information can either be replaced by using ResEdit, or pasting the appropriate icon into the Get Info box for the desired file.

Macintosh files where all data is contained in the data fork can be modified, and no data is lost. However like before the Icon appears as a generic icon, and the file name is shortened.

This article was published in the "Information Alley": Volume II, Issue 6, Page 13
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012