AppleShare Client for Windows: Questions & Answers

This article provides a brief list of common AppleShare Client for Windows questions and answers.
Question: What does the error message "Your System is configured with an incompatible network driver" mean?

Answer: Only one AppleTalk stack can be loaded on a workstation. See PROBLEMS.WRI located on installer Disk 1 for step-by-step instructions for removing Farallon's PhoneNet PC.

Question: What does the error message "AppleTalk Driver was not loaded. Please reinstall AppleShare" mean when Windows is starting up?

Answer: This error message is indicative of the following:
* Incorrect NET.CFG parameters
* Conflicting NET.CFG files
* Unsupported NIC
* Computer was not restarted after installation
* The call to ATDRIVER.BAT is located after Windows is executed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT.

Question: Why does the File Manager's Properties button not always show the type and creator?

Answer: The AppleShare Client looks to see if the application used to create the document is on the same volume.

Question: Why do certain applications sometimes crash when saving?

Answer: This occurs when saving documents with applications that have been configured with a different AppleTalk stack like Claris's FileMaker Pro.

Question: Can I Mount a volume on Drive B?

Answer: Yes, AppleShare Client lets you do this, however File Manager does not see any files on this drive. "DIR" from a virtual DOS computer sees the files.

This article was published in the "Information Alley": Volume II, Issue 6, Page 13
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012