MacTCP and Different Connection Configurations (6/95)

I have a PowerBook 540c 12/320, with System 7.5, and MacTCP 2.04. I use an Ethernet connection at work and a PPP connection at home. When I was at work the other day, I clicked on the Ethernet icon in the MacTCP control panel to change the addressing configurations, clicked OK, and then checked the PPP configuration.

When I clicked on the PPP icon, the configuration had changed to the EXACT SAME THING as the Ethernet configuration. It's as though the Ethernet configuration just swallows up the PPP configuration. Do you know what is going on?

MacTCP writes it configuration information to a file in the preferences folder called MacTCP Prep. When you make any kind of change in the MacTCP control panel, it will write that change to the MacTCP Prep file. This can be a problem if you are working with a couple of different configurations.

One work around it to save copies of your MacTCP Prep file and copy in the one you want to use. There is also a program called MacTCP Netswitch written by David Walton of the University of Notre Dame that automates this process. To find MacTCP Netswitch the URL is:

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012