Whenever possible, you should update your application disks with the latest
System and Finder files.
Below is a list of environments and the consequences for formatting, either in
erasing or initializing.
1. Finder 4.1 with System less than 3.0
a. Initalizing: Does not initialize a blank diskette in either drive
and displays the message "Init failed".
Using Finder 4.1 with System 2.0, we were able to initialize double-sided
disks with no failures. This environment always formatted the disk as an 800K
b. Erasing: When you choose to erase, the Macintosh Plus erases a disk
as an 800K volume, even if the disk was previously
formatted as a 400K volume.
2. Finder 4.1 with System 3.0
a. Initalizing: Asks if you want single- or double-sided.
b. Erasing: Only double-sided disks (800K)
2. Finder 5.1 with System 3.0
a. Initalizing: Asks if you want single or double sided.
b. Erasing: Single- or double-sided