MacX and Display Postscript (6/95)

I'd like to use MacX on my Macintosh to do work on our various UNIX machines. Most systems seem to work, but I can't get certain programs from the Suns to work.

Solaris 2.3 has support for display postscript, and applications that use display postscript write directly to the screen bypassing the X windows interface in OpenLook. Because X windows is not used, the screens can not be drawn over the network onto a MacX window server. This is not a limitation of MacX, but of all X terminals, including Suns SPARCclassic X terminals which have the same behavior.

The manual, "Desktop SPARC: Using a SPARCclassic X Terminal", provides some examples of this restriction. They are the pageview application; the viewing of Postscript files from within File Manager and Mail Tool; and the usage of Solaris AnswerBook documentation and Help Viewer.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012