If the internal hard drive, or whatever drive you want to install onto does not show on the Desktop, then it will not be available to the Installer either.
Here are two alternate ways to bootstrap the CD drive into operation. While the machine is booted up from the CD-ROM Setup CD:
Method 1 - Use HDSC Setup to mount the hard drive.
1. Insert a Disk Tools floppy disk and double click on Apple HD SC Setup.
2. The internal hard drive should be seen by this utility. Click the internal hard drive to highlight it. Click Update.
When the update operation is complete, the internal hard drive will be mounted on the desktop. After quitting from HD SC Setup, resume by running the CD-ROM installer from the CD-ROM Setup Disk.
A floppy disk with a third party mounting utility, such as SCSIProbe, may also be used to mount the internal drive on the Desktop, in order to use the installer.
Method 2 - Drag copying the minimum CD-ROM drive resources file.
1. Open the folder called "CD-ROM Software" from the CD-ROM Setup disk.
2. Drag copy the file called "Apple CD-ROM" to a floppy disk.
3. Choose Restart from the Special menu and let the Macintosh start up from the normal startup drive.
4. Insert the floppy disk holding the "Apple CD-ROM" file copied from the CD-ROM Setup disk and drag it onto the closed System Folder on the hard drive. Click "OK" to the dialog indicating it will be placed in the extensions folder.
5. Select Restart from the Special menu again.
6. The CD-ROM Setup CD can be inserted after starting up from the hard drive and the CD volume will mount on the Desktop.
7. Run the Installer from the CD-ROM Setup volume to finish installing all files from the CD-ROM Setup volume.
When the Installer is done, it will present an "Installation Complete" dialog with a Restart button. After restarting, your computer will have full support for the AppleCD 600e.
*The following information is for Apple Internal & Support Providers Only*