System 7.5: "Not Enough Access Privileges" Message (6/95)

I get a message saying I do not have enough access privileges when I try to move anything from either the System Folder or from my Applications Folder. What is causing this?

This message is caused by a folder protection feature of System 7.5. This feature is designed to prevent users from inadvertently deleting essential system software files or installed programs from your hard drive. You can use the General Controls control panel to disable either folder's protection. To do this:

. Open the General Controls control panel.
. Locate the section named "Folder Protection" in the lower left corner.
. Click the box to the left of either or both sections to remove the "X".

If the words "Protect System Folder" and "Protect Applications Folder" are grayed or dimmed, then you will need to turn File Sharing off in the Sharing Setup control panel before you can change the folder protection features.

You can now remove items from the folders you have changed.

Updating to System 7.5.1 with System 7.5 Update 1.0 changes the text of the message to be clearer and indicates how to turn off the protection feature.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012