About the PCMCIA Update 1.0.1

This article is the About the PCMCIA Update file.
You should install the PCMCIA Update on your PowerBook 500 series computer if you use a PC Card (PCMCIA) modem, the PowerBook PCMCIA Expansion Module (Model No. M2864 V1), and are experiencing performance problems. The PCMCIA Update can substantially increase modem driver performance when operating at speeds greater than 9600 bps. It also provides necessary compatibility and performance improvements when you use some 28.8 kbps modem cards.

The PCMCIA Update revises the modem driver software that is permanently stored inside the PowerBook PCMCIA Expansion Module. The software you received on the PowerBook PCMCIA Software disk provided with the module has not changed, so you do not need to reinstall it.

Installing the PCMCIA Update

NOTE: It is important that you shut down your computer first, and then restart (rather than choosing Restart from the Special Menu) for the PCMCIA Update to work properly.

You may want to make a note that you updated your module, since there is no way to tell if a module has been updated or not. (However, updating your module more than once should not damage it.)

Using DOS-formatted PC Cards

NOTE: This section explains how to use DOS-formatted PC Cards in a PowerBook 500 series computer with PC Exchange installed. This information is not necessary for using the PCMCIA Update.

Most storage PC Cards are preformatted in a DOS format. PowerBook 500 series computers have the ability to use DOS-formatted cards because of the Macintosh PC Exchange software that ships with every PowerBook.

You need to use Macintosh PC Exchange version 2.0.2 or greater when using DOS-formatted PC Cards. (This version is included with System 7.5).

Installing a newer version of Macintosh PC Exchange

To install a newer version of Macintosh PC Exchange, follow these steps:

Reformatting a DOS-formatted PC Card

Macintosh PC Exchange cannot be used to change the format of a PC Card from DOS to Mac OS, or from Mac OS to DOS. If you wish to change a DOS-formatted card to a Mac OS-formatted card, follow these steps:

You are prompted to reformat the PC card as a Macintosh volume. Once the PC Card is reformatted, you can turn PC Exchange back on from the control panel. You cannot reformat a Mac OS-formatted PC card as a DOS-formatted PC Card with PC Exchange. To do so you need to use a DOS/Windows computer.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012