NCK for Macintosh, v.2.0: Creating Import Template

How do I create a template to import data from another Macintosh application in the Connection Kit for Macintosh 2.0?

Note: NCK 2.0 for Macintosh is compatible with Newton OS 1.x systems only
Template creation should follow these general steps:

Step 1
Export the data from the Macintosh application in a delimited ASCII (text) format file. The field delimiting character can be a TAB or any ASCII character, and the record delimiting character can be a Carriage Return or any ASCII character.

Step 2
Open the text file in a word processor to view the sequence of the exported data. Note the sequence of the fields and the ASCII character that separates the fields and the records.

Step 3
Create the template in the Connection Kit matching the EXACT sequence of the fields in the exported data. Follow the steps on pages 6 through 9 in the Newton Connection 2.0 Update addendum on how to create a template. Note the sequence of the fields you Add to the right hand window of the Template window, it must match exactly the sequence of the exported data.

Step 4
Once the template is created, import the text file and verify the data is placed in the correct fields in the Connection Kit. If the data is not placed in the correct field(s), the template will need to be edited to match the sequence of the delimited ASCII text file.

Specific template field information follows for the applications within the Connection Kit.

Names Template Fields
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
List By
Card Style

Names template fields defined:

PhoneKey - Description of Phone fields (choices are Home, Work, Fax, Car, Beeper, Mobile and other) Any other information in this field will be ignored when imported into the MessagePad.

Folder - The folder name where you would like the data to reside once the data is on the MessagePad. The folder name must match exactly the folder name on the MessagePad. For instance, if you have a folder name of "Personal" in this field and you have a folder name of "Personal" on the MessagePad, the Name card will be placed in this folder. If you do not have a "Personal" folder on the MessagePad, the note will be placed in the "Unfiled" folder.

List By - How the Name cards will be listed in the MessagePad. List By will be either Last Name or Company. Any other information in this field will be ignored when brought over to the MessagePad.

Card Style - There are 4 card styles for the Apple MessagePad. These styles are Style1, Style2, Style3 and Style4. Any other information in this field will be ignored when brought over to the MessagePad.

Notes - These are text notes attached to the Name cards.

Names Example:

Mr. (TAB) John (TAB) Doe (TAB) Apple Computer, Inc. (TAB) 1200 West Orion (TAB) Anytown (TAB) Texas (TAB) 78456 (TAB) 213-555-9999 (carriage return)

Notes Template Fields

Notes template fields defined:

Created - The creation date of the Note.

Text - The text of the Note.

Folder - The folder name where you would like the data to reside once the data is on the MessagePad. The folder name must match exactly the Folder name on the MessagePad.

Notes Example:

5/24/95 (TAB) Buy groceries before lunch (TAB) Personal Folder

All Dates data to be imported MUST have a Type of "Meeting", "Day Note", or "To Do Item". The data will not be imported if the text of the Type does not match exactly. Note that importing Repeating Meetings into the Connection Kit is not supported. Repeating Meetings can only be exported from the Connection Kit.

Meeting Template Fields
Start Time
Duration (minutes)

Meeting template fields defined:

Type - Type will always be Meeting.

Title - The title of the Meeting.

Date - The date the meeting is on.

Start Time - The time the meeting starts in Military Time format.

Duration - Length of the meeting in minutes.

Notes - Any notes attached to the Meeting Slip.

Meeting Example:

Meeting (TAB) Lunch (TAB) 5/24/95 (TAB) 12:00:00 (TAB) 60 (TAB) Discuss business (Carriage Return)

Day Note Template Fields

Day Note template fields defined:

Type - Type will always be Day Note.

Title - The title of the Day Note.

Date - The date the Day Note is on.

Notes - Any notes attached to the Meeting Slip.

Day Note Example:

Day Note (TAB) Vacation (TAB) 5/24/95 (TAB) Trip to the beach (Carriage Return)

To Do Item Template Fields

To Do Item template fields defined:

Type - Type will always be To Do Item.

Title - The title of the To Do Item.

Date - The date the To Do Item is on.

Priority - The priority of the To Do Item; either 1, 2, or 3

Done - Whether or not the To Do Item is completed or not. Completed = True, Not completed = False

To Do Item Example:

To Do Item (TAB) Buy Groceries (TAB) 5/24/95 (TAB) 2 (TAB) False (Carriage Return)
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012