PC Net Exchange 1.0.1
PC Net Exchange is a utility program that helps users of Mac OS computers share DOS/Windows files, over an AppleTalk network, with users of AppleShare Client for Windows software. This document describes PC Net Exchange and how it works with AppleShare Client for Windows and PC Exchange. PC Net Exchange is distributed free of charge-see the notice at the end of this document for details. For information about purchasing AppleShare Client for Windows and PC Exchange, see your authorized Apple dealer.
Note: None of the products described in this document translates or converts DOS/Windows data files into Macintosh data files, or Macintosh data files into DOS/Windows data files.
AppleShare Client for Windows
The AppleShare Client for Windows software provides file services and print services for Windows computer users on an AppleTalk network. The file services let you share files from your Windows computer with Mac OS computer users on the network. You can use AppleShare Client for Windows to create, copy, use, and delete files on a Mac OS-based computer that is running either AppleShare or Macintosh file sharing.
PC Exchange
The PC Exchange utility lets you use PC-formatted floppy and SCSI disks on a Macintosh computer just as you would use Macintosh-formatted disks. PC Exchange automatically identifies PC disks and files with "PC" icons, and you can save, delete, copy, and open files as usual. PC Exchange internally labels these files as text files, and you can open these files from within any Mac OS-based application that supports text files. (If they are indeed text files, you will be able to use them from within the application you opened. If they are not text files, then the Mac OS-based application will open the files but will not be able to display the contents of the files properly.)
You use PC files other than text files with your Mac OS applications by using the PC Exchange control panel to map PC filename suffixes to Mac OS application document types. (A PC filename suffix is the three characters following the "dot" in a DOS/Windows filename.) Once you have mapped a PC filename suffix to a document type, the Mac OS treats any PC file whose name ends with this suffix as a Mac OS document of that type. You see the file in the Finder represented by the appropriate Mac OS document icon. You can open the document directly from the Finder, automatically starting the appropriate Mac OS application. If the file's format is the type you specified in the mapping process, you will be able to use the file just as if it had been created by the Mac OS-based application.
PC Net Exchange
You can install PC Net Exchange with PC Exchange on your Mac OS servers to extend this suffix-based file-mapping capability to your network. If PC Net Exchange is installed, you can map such files on the Mac OS-based system to Mac OS documents in the same way that you map PC files on locally attached PC disks. Any mapping that you've previously defined is automatically implemented.
If PC Net Exchange is installed on a server, files that users have copied or saved to that server by using AppleShare Client for Windows appear as "PC" (text) files, and you can map these files to Mac OS application document types with the PC Exchange control panel. If PC Exchange is not installed, such files appear on the server as "PC" (text) files, but you cannot map these files to Mac OS document types.
System Requirements
Windows system
* AppleShare Client for Windows version 1.0 or later
Mac OS system
* Macintosh system software version 7.1 or later
* Macintosh PC Exchange 2.0.3 or later
Installing PC Net Exchange
To install PC Net Exchange on your Mac OS system:
1. Drag the PC Net Exchange icon into the Extensions folder inside your System Folder.
2. Restart your computer.
Known Limitations
Some DOS/Windows applications store changes to a document in a temporary file, then rename that file to the original document name when the user saves the document. PC Net Exchange cannot detect this type of file activity, and therefore cannot assign the correct icon to the file. To allow PC Net exchange to assign the "PC" icon to such a file, drag the file into another folder, then back to its original location, or copy the file from the Windows computer to the Mac OS computer using the Windows File Manager.
NOTICE: This document and the software described in it are copyrighted. PC Net Exchange 1.0.1 is released by Apple Computer, Inc., as "freeware." That is, you may use the software free of charge, but Apple makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the software, its quality, performance, merchantibility, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result, this software is distributed "as is," and you, the user, are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. Apple provides no support of any kind for this software. You may distribute PC Net Exchange and this Read Me file to others on the condition that you distribute both together and at no charge. The same proprietary and copyright notices must be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to the original. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format.
Copyright 1995, Apple, Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014-6299
(408) 996-1010
Apple, the Apple logo, AppleShare, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Mac and the Mac OS logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products.