1) Question: Does the Apple Media Tool (AMT) support QuickTime VR and QuickDraw 3D?
Answer: Apple Media Tool 2.0 supports QuickTime 2.0, QuickTime VR, and QuickDraw 3D much better than version 1.2.
2) Question: Does the AMT come with some simple editing tools (like Persuasion, to create a colored background, simple graphics, etc.)?
Answer: The Apple Media Tool will probably never come with editors built-in because third party products almost always do a better job. You can use Persuasion as a simple editor from within the Apple Media Tool to create PICTs as backgrounds.
Examples of applications with built-in color graphics editors are Director and HyperCard 2.2/2.3. Not many people use these to build shipping multimedia projects. Most developers use PhotoShop or Fractal Design Painter as the graphics editor for anti-aliased text and more control over gradient ramps, textures, color control and file formats.
3) Question: What is involved in making a truly cross platform application? (I'm using AMT as an example of developing on the Mac and deliver on anything, from Mac to Windows to Pippin to SetTop boxes.)
Answer: Apple Media Tool is one of the only truly cross-platform development tools. It creates files that can be used on ISO 9660 CD-ROMs that will play on Macintosh computers, computers running Windows, Pippin products, and ITV setup boxes.
4) Question: What is involved in making a single CD that would be able to be read from a Macintosh or a Windows machine?
Answer: Creating an ISO 9660 CD-ROM is something that most CD-R authoring software does as one of its output options. Examples of CD-R authoring applications included Hybrid 1.1.2 from Sony, and Toast from Catalogic in Mountain View, California, which will create bootable CD-ROMs*and Enhanced CD-ROMs that will play in audio CD players. There are many other packages on the market.
5) Question: Do I always have to have the "Media" folder? Isn't there an option to make it a single document that could be sent over a network?
Answer: You always have to create media assets that reside in folders separate from the project that you create. That is the way the Apple Media Tool was designed. This feature makes it better than Macromedia Director. You can change the media assets at any time in the future without changing the source code to the project and re-compiling everything.
This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
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