This is the correct behavior when using a QuickDraw GX driver. HyperCard is using black & white QuickDraw, which does not let the background pattern show through. The non-GX LaserWriter drivers also use the black & white QuickDraw. QuickDraw GX, however, uses the Color QuickDraw model, which lets the patterns behind outlined text show through. If you print your card with the non-GX StyleWriter and LaserWriter 300 drivers, while set to grayscale, they give you the same result as QuickDraw GX drivers because of Color QuickDraw.
The workaround is to use the non-GX print drivers. Another alternative is to use the QuickDraw GX Helper to turn off desktop printing for the application during this print operation.
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 8, Page 12
Article Change History:
28 Aug 1995 - Updated from Info Alley article.
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