Open Transport 1.0.1 Patch for Power Macintosh 9500
1) Problems truncating data when sending and Open Transport 1.0.1
This patch fixes a problem truncating data when sending, which occurred with the Open Transport TCP backward compatible (MacTCP) interface. Using OT 1.0 in certain situations, the connection could be closed before all of the data was transferred. In this case, the receiver would get a short file, missing some of the bytes at the end, and may not have (depending on the application used) received an error indicating this problem had occurred.
2) Changes in OT 1.0.1 for SLIP/PPP LAPs since OT 1.0
* Fixed a crash that would occur shortly after the completion of automatic connection with some LAPs (Link Access Protocol) like MacPPP and MacSLIP. This would occur when the LAP displays some dialog during its connection establishment. NOTE: with OT 1.0 and 1.0.1 automatic connections are possible only for direct connections or very rapid modem connections (< 15 seconds).
* OT now works correctly with InterPPP or MacPPP when they coexist in the same System Folder with other SLIP and PPP LAPs. With OT 1.0, InterPPP or MacPPP could be selected in the TCP/IP control panel but they couldn't connect if they existed in the same System Folder. For example the connect button of the Config PPP control panel of MacPPP would be gray (inactive).
* Fixed problem with MacSLIP. With OT 1.0, MacSLIP could be selected in the TCP/IP control panel but opening a TCP/IP end point would fail. Typically an application would display an alert like "Cannot open name resolver".
Miscellaneous TCP/IP LAP Information
Because of the fundamental architectural differences between MacTCP and Open Transport, we cannot ensure a 100% compatibility when using SLIP and PPP Link Access Protocol (LAP) modules written for MacTCP.
The following SLIP and PPP LAPs are supported with various levels of success:
* InterSLIP
- Version 1.0.1 is not compatible with Open Transport, you need a later version. InterCon should be contacted directly.
- The version 1.0.1 of InterSLIP is very unstable on Power Macintosh 9500 and the version 1.0.2d2 should be used instead.
* InterPPP 1.2.9
- With some Internet providers, the user would experience a crash with HTML readers (Netscape, NCSA Mosaic, MacWeb) when receiving large picture.
* MacSLIP 2.0.6
- Connect at System Startup doesn't work.
* MacPPP 2.0.1
- The way that MacPPP 2.0.1 opens a connection is mostly incompatible with OT. The same problem exits with MacPPP 2.1 SD and MacPPP 2.0.1 cm4. New releases of MacPPP will fix this problem.
- The open button doesn't work. The only way to open a connection is by opening a TCP/IP application. However, OT might time-out before the completion of the connection so that it cannot get the correct IP address from the LAP.
- Cannot re-connect after disconnecting MacPPP without restarting the System first.
Known General TCP/IP LAP Limitations
* There is currently no way to report a change of IP address to OT from a SLIP or PPP LAP. Change of IP address happens when the SLIP or PPP connection goes down or up after using a TCP/IP application. The work around is to restart the Macintosh.
* Once a TCP/IP application is opened over a SLIP or PPP LAP, one cannot use another SLIP or PPP LAP without first restarting the Macintosh. This is the same limitation as with MacTCP except that the TCP/IP control panel does not warn you to restart the System.
* When a SLIP or PPP LAP is selected in the TCP/IP control panel, and "Manually" is selected in the Configure pop-up menu, the value of the IP address entered in this control panel is ignored by OT. If you get assigned a static IP address by your SLIP or PPP provider you should set it in the LAP configuration program. If the IP address is assigned dynamically, you should configure the LAP configuration program for dynamic addressing.
* BootP configuration may time-out for SLIP and PPP connection if the BootP server is busy or the connection speed is too low.
* OT TCP/IP 1.0/1.0.1 supports only LAPs that have been verified to work (with some caveats) with OT. A list of supported LAPs (identified by their creatorId) is hard coded in the product. LAPs that are not in the list will not appear in the TCP/IP control panel (in Connect Via:). The list of supported LAPs currently is comprised of: InterSlip, MacPPP, InterPPP, and MacSLIP. Note that some PPP products share the same creatorId (and actually same source base) as InterPPP and as a result appear in the TCP/IP control panel as "InterPPP". If more than one such products is installed, only the first one will be shown in the popup. Note that the user has no way of telling which one was actually selected.