LW 16/600 PS, TCP/IP, LPD, and Multiple Copies Problem (6/95)

I'm trying to print multiple copies of a document to a LaserWriter 16/600 PS from a Sun Workstation using the following command:

lpr -#3 -Progue.txt

My problem is only one copy prints, however the queue shows multiple copies to be printed. Is there a fix or workaround for this?

We test and were able to reproduce this problem. We believe this is a problem with the LaserWriter 16/600 PS printer's built-in LPD printing facility through TCP/IP. We were able to print multiple copies of a file (with the same lpr -#n command) to a LaserWriter 16/600 PS printer with AppleTalk from an A/UX machine however.

A workaround to print multiple copies of a file is to repeat the file name on the command line, as shown below:

lpr -Plw16 foo foo foo

We have informed engineering of this issue, however we have no information if or when a fix will be implemented.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012