To connect a Disk II to the back of a Unidisk, use a Unidisk cable, service
part number 590-0327.
To install this cable on the Disk II:
1. Open the case of the Disk II
2. Pull out the old cable
3. Plug in the new cable.
4. File or drill a small half circle into the top of the case of the Disk II.
5. Reinstall the case, inserting the new cable into the half circle.
This modification should only be done by an Apple dealer, and will void the
customers warranty.
The old and new cables are electrically the same; therefore, no other
modification need be done.
To use a UniDisk on the Disk II controller card use a cable available from
Quark, Inc., (303) 934-2211. Quark makes the cable to connect the Quark QC10 to
the Apple IIc.