Follow these steps, but first, if you have not already done so, delete some of the demonstation files from your master program disk before trying to use the file "A2.TO.MAC."
A. Open the file "A2.TO.MAC" on the Master Program side of the disk.
B. Print the file to a printer to obtain hard copy output.
C. Enter the A2.TO.MAC program on your Macintosh using Macintosh Pascal. Save the program.
D. To set up an Apple IIe or Apple IIc to send files to a Macintosh:
1. If you are sending files from an Apple IIe to a Macintosh:
a. Connect a Macintosh printer cable to the Super Serial Card installed in the Apple IIe.
b. On the Apple IIe, check to make sure the constants (CONST) are set at APPLE2C = FALSE and MAC = FALSE.
c. On the Macintosh, change the constant (CONST) default setting from MAC = FALSE to MAC = TRUE.
d. You must run A2.TO.MAC on both systems, beginning with the Apple IIe. Start A2.TO.MAC running on the Apple IIe BEFORE you start it running on the Macintosh.
2. If you are sending files from an Apple IIc to a Macintosh:
a. Connect a female-to-female adapter to modem port of the Apple IIc.
b. On the Apple IIc, change the constant (CONST) default setting from APPLE2C = FALSE to APPLE2C = TRUE.
c. On the Macintosh, change the constant (CONST) default setting from MAC = FALSE to MAC = TRUE.
d. You must run A2.TO.MAC on both systems, beginning with the Macintosh. Start A2.TO.MAC running on the Macintosh BEFORE you start it running on the Apple IIc.
E. A2.TO.MAC asks for the name of the file that you wish to transfer.
1. On your Apple IIe or IIe, either:
-- Type in the file name and press Return
-- Select the appropriate box with your mouse and click the mouse button.
2. On your Macintosh:
-- Type in the file name and select the appropriate box with your mouse and click the mouse button.
F. Check to see that the file you just transferred is actually on your disk.
This procedure is similar to that for transferring Macintosh Pascal files to Instant Pascal files and Apple IIe Instant Pascal files to Apple IIc Instant Pascal files. Read the instructions on A2.TO.MAC. Remember to run your Macintosh A2.TO.MAC program first.