Power Macintosh CD: v1.0, 2.0 Extras Folder Read Me

The following article is the Read Me document for the Apple Extras folder on the Power Macintosh CD--versions 1.0 and 2.0.

It is different than the Read Me file found in the Extras folder on the Apple Macintosh CD--versions 1.0, 1.0.1, and 2.0 (for that Read Me file see TIL Article: "Apple Macintosh CD: v1.0,1.0.1,2.0 Extras Folder Read Me").
The Apple Extras folder contains several application programs and control panels for you to try on your Power Macintosh. Each program is in its own folder, along with a document that explains how to use the program.

* AppleScript: Use AppleScript to automate any actions you do repeatedly on your computer-like opening a document, reformatting it, and printing it out. AppleScript can record your actions so you can do them in one step next time, using a single keyboard command. AppleScript is explained in detail in "Getting Started With AppleScript," which you'll find in the AppleScript folder. (You'll use DocViewer to view "Getting Started With AppleScript." DocViewer is explained at the end of this document.)

The version of AppleScript that you received with your computer includes AppleScript basics. With this version, you can create scripts to control any scriptable application programs you have installed on your Macintosh. If you want additional scripting options, see an Apple-authorized dealer for information about the AppleScript Scripter's Kit. The Scripter's Kit contains additional AppleScript software and manuals. (Macintosh software developers may also wish to order the "AppleScript Developer's Toolkit 1.1," available from APDA.)

* CPU Energy Saver (for Power Macintosh 7100/66, 7100/66AV, 8100/80, and 8100/80AV computers): You can set the computer to turn on or off automatically, using the CPU Energy Saver control panel. The CPU Energy Saver Read Me file explains how to install and use this control panel. IMPORTANT: CPU Energy Saver does not work on Power Macintosh 6100/60 or 6100/60AV computers.

* Energy Saver (for monitors): This control panel lets you set your monitor to go into low power mode after your computer has been idle for a specified amount of time. The Energy Saver Read Me file explains how to install and use this control panel.

* FusionRecorder: This audio and video capture program records and plays high-quality sound and, if you have an AV-equipped Power Macintosh, QuickTime video movies. For instructions, see the FusionRecorder Read Me file. (You'll use DocViewer to view the FusionRecorder Read Me file. DocViewer is explained at the end of this document.)

* LaserWriter 8.1.1: The LaserWriter 8.1.1 program is special software (called a "driver") that your Macintosh uses when you print documents. To install LaserWriter 8.1.1, follow the instructions in the LaserWriter 8.1.1 Read Me file.

* Graphing Calculator: This program demonstrates your Power Macintosh computer's speed, and shows how speed can improve a Macintosh application program's performance. For more information about this program, start the program and select Help from the Equation menu. You can also view a self-running demonstration program by selecting Full Demo from the Demo menu.

* Video Monitor: To use the Video Monitor program, you must have a Power Macintosh 6100/60AV, 7100/66AV, or 8100/80AV; and you must have video equipment connected to your computer's video ports. You can use the Video Monitor program to display video images in a window and to capture or print one frame of a video image. Basic instructions for using Video Monitor are provided in the Getting Started manual that came with your computer. The Video Monitor Read Me file contains additional information.

* DocViewer: To view the AppleScript Guide or the FusionRecorder Read Me file, you use a program called DocViewer. DocViewer displays files for you to read on the screen. You can also use it to search for specific topics in files, and print out pages of information. The DocViewer Read Me file explains how to use DocViewer.

Copyright 1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, LaserWriter, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AppleScript, DocViewer, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. FusionRecorder is a trademark of VideoFusion, Ltd.

Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012