Power Macintosh: Native Excel Libraries Not Loading (7/95)

When I try to launch the PowerPC native version of Excel, the Power Macintosh displays an error message stating that a certain library cannot be found. All the Microsoft files are installed but I still get the message. What is wrong?

The error message is somewhat misleading because the problem Microsoft Excel is having when launching is due to running out of RAM. On a 16 MB Power Macintosh running System 7.5 and Excel for Power Macintosh, there is not enough RAM to load all of the libraries that Excel requires. When the Code Fragment Manager tries to load the libraries, the load fails due to lack of RAM, and the Code Fragment Manager reports the library cannot be found.

One solution is to turn on Virtual Memory (VM) in the Memory control panel to at least 17 MB total. The Get Info window for Excel states the application requires 9300 KB RAM when not using VM. However, the libraries make up the other 4 MB of the RAM requirement when not using VM. Virtual memory starts file-mapping, which lowers the memory requirement for Excel from about 13 MB to about 4 MB.

Another solution is to add more physical RAM to the Power Macintosh.

Article Change History:
24 Jul 1995 - Made minor grammatical changes.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012