Apple HD SC Setup: How to Initialize an Apple Hard Drive

This article describes what to do if you run Disk First Aid and it finds a problem, but it says it cannot repair it. Before you decide that you need to reformat your hard drive, there are a few other things to check.
Warning! You must back up all of your data before reformatting a hard drive because the formatting process deletes all data.

Verify Your Process

You should first verify that you are running Disk First Aid correctly. You cannot repair the boot volume (the startup disk) with Disk First Aid. In other words, if you are started up from your hard drive, Disk First Aid cannot repair the problems with the hard drive until you restart your Macintosh computer from another startup disk. For Disk First Aid to be able to repair a volume, make sure you are starting up from any one of the following disks:
Disk First Aid also cannot repair a disk on which it is located (basically, it cannot repair itself), or any disk on which File Sharing is active.

Run Disk First Aid
Reformatting Using Apple HD SC Setup
Non-Apple Hard Drives

If you have a non-Apple hard drive, you will get a message that says, "Unable to find a suitable SCSI drive". The use of Apple HD SC Setup is supported for Apple hard disk drives only. HD SC Setup does not update the driver software on or reformat non-Apple drives. If you are using a non-Apple hard disk drive, you must use third party formatting software to reformat the drive. If you have a question about a specific third-party hard disk or driver version, contact the vendor.

It is important to note that the hard disk drives sold by Apple in some Macintosh computers have different firmware than the drives sold by various third-party vendors, even though the manufacturer of the mechanisms may be the same.

This firmware contains information that lets HD SC Setup determine the type and size of the drive it is reading. If HD SC Setup does not understand the information in the firmware of a third-party drive, it will not access the drive in any way.


If you purchased a hard disk with the A/UX operating system installed on it, DO NOT initialize that disk; doing so erases A/UX. Refer to the instructions that came with the A/UX operating system before you proceed.

This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 9, Page 10
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012