If the sound produced by your microphone is at mic-level, you can use the Sound control panel to turn on microphone amplification.
First you must install the Sound Input Amplification extension. Follow these steps:
Step 1
Drag the Sound Input Amplification icon to the System Folder on your hard disk. Do not open the System Folder.
Step 2
When a message appears asking if you want the file placed in the Extensions folder, click OK.
The amplification type for most standard microphones, which do not include pre-amplifiers, is mic-level. The Apple PlainTalk microphone has a pre-amplifier, and the sound it produces is at line-level. Other sources, such as CD and cassette tape players, also produce sound at line-level. (Refer to the material that came with your microphone if you are not sure whether or not it has a pre-amplifier.)
To choose an amplification type:
Step 1
Open the Sound control panel.
Step 2
Use the pop-up menu to choose Amplification.
Step 3
Click Microphone Amplification On.
Your choice takes effect immediately.
The Apple PlainTalk microphone comes with a pre-amplifier and produces sound at line-level. If you use this microphone, you can leave the Amplification setting at the default setting (Microphone Amplification Off).
For more information about these settings, open the Sound control panel, choose Amplification from the pop-up menu, and turn on Balloon Help.
1995 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. PlainTalk is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Article Change History:
04 Aug 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
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