Power Macintosh 9500: Worldscript Updater 1.0 Issue

I installed Chinese Language Kit (CLK) 1.1 and Chinese Language Kit Updater 1.1.1 on my Power Macintosh 9500/120 computer. Why doesn't it work?
WorldScript Updater 1.0 must be installed first for the Chinese Language Kit to work on the Power Macintosh 7200/7500/8500/9500 series of computers.

Installation Steps

You must perform the installation in the following order:

If you install WorldScript Update 1.0 last, your System file could end up being corrupted. If this occurs, you need to perform a "clean install" of the System Software, then reinstall the preceding items in that order.

Additional Information

Refer to the article titled System 7.5 Clean Install in the "Information Alley" Volume I, Issue 18, Page 8. Or, see the following Tech Info Library article:

Article 16095: "System 7.5: Clean Install Procedure"

This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II. Issue 8, Page 11
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012