"Understanding Your Apple II", an in-depth Apple II and II+ hardware manual,
is now available from Quality Software or from your local dealer. The book,
by Jim Sather, has a foreword by Steve Wozniak. Some of the book's features:
--Documents all motherboard circuits, including some discussed nowhere else.
--Describes disk controller operation, including previously undocumented
details of the logic state sequencer.
--Explains RAM and ROM card operation.
--Reveals previously unnoticed features of Apple graphics.
--Contains 23 software and hardware Application Notes including the shift key
mod, disk write protect mod, and EPROM mods.
--Includes a chapter on simple user troubleshooting and maintenance.
--Contains over 100 figures and illustrations, including more than 20
schematics, ten appendices, a glossary and index.
This book runs 352 pages in all! A companion text, "Understanding Your
Apple IIe", is also available from:
Quality Software
21601 Marilla Street
Chatsworth, CA - 91311
(818) 709-1721