The version of FTP Software's PC/TCP IP suite that works with the Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer is OnNet v1.2. This version has been tested with the Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer. Manual editing of the net.cfg file must be done after installing the software.
Add the following lines to the net.cfg file:
Link Support
Max stacks 8
Add the following lines to the end of the Link Driver MACODI section of the net.cfg file:
Protocol IP 800 Ethernet_II
Protocol ARP 806 Ethernet_II
Protocol RARP 8035 Ethernet_II
NOTE: The software allows installation of either DOS TSRs or vxd files. In testing, only the vxd files were loaded. See the product documentation for further information.
Also, see the Tech Info Library article titled, "Pwr Mac DOS Compatibility Card: PC/TCP Does Not Function (7/95)", for a discussion of using earlier versions of FTP Software's PC/TCP packages with the Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer.
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 11, Page 14
Article Change History:
29 Sep 1995 - Added Info Alley information; udated article.
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