The Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, and 8500 computers include energy conservation software called Energy Saver. As configured by Apple, these systems are set to automatically shut down after 30 minutes of inactivity.
These settings can be easily modified with the Energy Saver application. Each time you start your Macintosh, a message is displayed explaining the Energy Saver settings and providing an option to open the application. This message displays each time the computer starts until you click Specify Settings to open the application.
If you do not want to see this message each time you start up, click the Specify Settings button and configure the Energy Saver control panel. The message will no longer appear at startup unless the Energy Saver control panel preference file is removed from your system folder.
Apple does not recommend removing the Energy Saver program from your system folder. Since the Energy Saver application is an integral part of the operating system, removing its components prevent you from changing the current settings. The system continues to use these settings even when the application has been removed. If you want to disable the Energy Saver features, keep the Energy Saver software installed on the system and use the application settings to turn off the various features.
The Energy Saver application is not a control panel and does not function on any operating system prior to System 7.5.2.
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 10, Page 9