MPW/MacApp: Versions, availability, compatibility

MacApp 1.0B2 is compatible with MPW 1.0. In order to use the resource files
interchangeably, though, the user must modify resource files as discussed in
the paragraphs below.

Using MacApp Release 1.0B2 with MPW Release 1.0

The resource files for MapApp 1.0B2 are not compatible with the standard MPW
1.0 Rez include file Types.r. To compile MacApp, you can either use the MPW
1.0B2 Types.r file or change the MacApp resource files. To change the sample
resource files, first replace all occurences of zoomProc with zoomDocProc,
then modify the 'ALRT' resources so that the stages lists have the following

 OK, Visible, Silent;
 OK, Visible, Silent;
 OK, Visible, Silent;
 OK, Visible, Silent

MacApp release 1.0 resource files will have the correct format.

The released version of MPW software, which APDA is now shipping, is 1.0. The
manuals included with APDA shipments are not final at this point; they are
missing the graphics, an index, etc. Final manuals are scheduled to be
available this spring; they will be made available through APDA at that time.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012