This file provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply the APD 1.1.3 update to your copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics. There are two parts to updating Apple Personal Diagnostics: both the Apple Personal Diagnostics application and the APD Emergency application need to be updated.
If you have a problem launching one of the updater applications because there is not enough memory, you may want to reboot your machine with extensions turned off. To do this simply hold down the Shift key on your keyboard during the boot process.
Apple Personal Diagnostics
To update the Apple Personal Diagnostics application use the file APD 1.1.3 Updater. This application will update Apple Personal Diagnostics versions 1.1 or 1.1.1 to the latest release version 1.1.3. This document provides the step-by-step procedure on how to update your copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics.
Important: Do NOT use this application to update your original disk! Always work with a copy.
1) Use either the Search button or the Select File button to locate your copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics to be updated. Search will scan your disk automatically and locate any copies of Apple Personal Diagnostics. Select File will present a standard Open dialog which lets you navigate to your copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics.
The file(s) found will then appear in the scrollable area above the buttons.
2) Select the file you want to update from the scrollable list.
3) Click the Update button.
4) Once the update process is complete, a dialog saying "The file has been successfully updated" will appear.
5) Click the Quit button.
Your copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics is now updated to version 1.1.3.
6) Launch the updated copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics to make sure it's working correctly.
If there are any problems you can recover your old copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics from the Trash. If you have updated more than one copy of Apple Personal Diagnostics, there may be multiple copies in the trash. The file name "Apple Personal Diagnostics" is the copy you just updated.
APD Emergency
To update the APD Emergency application use the file APDE 1.1.3 Updater. This application will update APD Emergency versions 1.1 or 1.1.1 to the latest release version 1.1.3. This document provides a step-by-step procedure on how to update your copy of APD Emergency.
Important: Do NOT use this application to update your original disk! Always work with a copy.
1) Locate the correct APD Emergency disk for your computer. Use the instructions that follow to make a copy of this disk.
2) Launch Disk Copy 4.2.
3) Lock your APD Emergency disk and then insert it into your floppy drive.
4) Click on the Read Master Floppy button. Disk Copy will read the files from your disk into memory. When it's complete your disk will be ejected.
5) Now click on the Make A Copy button. Disk Copy will flash the message "Please insert a disk to COPY ONTO". Insert a new blank disk into your floppy drive. (Use a blank disk because anything on this disk will be erased. If the disk has been used previously, a dialog asking if you want to erase this disk will appear.)
6) Click the Duplicate button. When the copy is complete the disk will be ejected.
7) Label the disk appropriately and quit the Disk Copy program.
8) Create a folder on your hard drive called "APDE".
9) Insert the new disk you just created back into the floppy drive.
10) Copy the file APD Emergency from the floppy to the APDE folder on your hard drive.
11) Launch the APDE 1.1.3 Updater application.
12) Use the Select File button to locate your copy of APD Emergency to be updated. Select File will present a standard Open dialog which lets you navigate to your copy of APD Emergency.
The file selected will then appear in the scrollable area above the buttons.
13) Click the Update button.
14) Once the update process is complete, a dialog saying "The file has been successfully updated" will appear.
15) Click the Quit button.
16) Now copy the file APD Emergency from the APDE folder on your hard drive to the floppy still in your floppy drive.
17) When asked if you want to replace the existing file, press OK.
18) Drag the APDE folder on your hard drive into the trash.
Your copy of APD Emergency is now updated to version 1.1.3.
19) In order to verify that the updated copy of APD Emergency is working correctly, boot your computer from the new APD Emergency disk and run the tests. If there are any problems, repeat the above process again.