Apple Media Kit: Spinning Cursor Issue on Power Macintosh

When I launch an Apple Media Tool (AMT) project on a Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, or 9500 running System 7.5.2 with a PowerPC 604 processor, it crashes with a Type 11 error or I get a spinning cursor and the machine hangs.

This same hang occurs with my finished project when launched from its CD-ROM disc.
At this time, there are different solutions for what is known as the "AMK Spinning Cursor Bug" depending whether you are a user or developer. The solutions have been posted to Apple Online SW Update areas.

This issue can occur when a media application created with the Apple Media Tool is run on any Power Macintosh or PowerBook computer with System 7.5.2. The symptom is you have just clicked to go to a new screen (or launched an AMK (Apple Media Kit) program) and the computer hangs. The problem is caused by the spinning color cursors that AMK uses to indicate that processing is occurring.

The three solutions below address different audiences:

Solution 1 - for developers
Developers with existing titles should distribute the "AMK Launch'NPlay" application to customers who report crashes. Double-click the AMK Launch'NPlay application to use it, you will then be prompted with a standard get-file dialog. Navigate to your AMK application and open it. The title will be launched and will not crash -- you will notice there are no spinning cursors. You must use AMK Launch'NPlay to open a title EVERY TIME you want to play it. AMK Launch'NPlay will not run on non-PowerPC-based computers because it is only required for PowerPC-based computers.

Solution 2 - for developers
If you are an Apple Media Tool developer currently working on titles, use the "PROGRAM" file from the Apple Online SW Update areas. This is a replacement for one of the files in the AMT:Runtime Maker:CODES folder. Drag this new version to the folder and replace the old PROGRAM. Rebuild any titles you are currently working on.

Solution 3 - for programmers
If you are an Apple Media Tool Programming Environment user, replace the cursor.c file in your key:RUNTIME folder with the one from the Apple Online SW Update areas.

Solution 4 - for end users
If you are trying to use a media title such as a CD-ROM disc, and you are experiencing the symptoms described above on a Power Macintosh computer, download the AMK Spinning Cursor Bug Fix available from online services. Double-click the included AMK Launch'NPlay application to use it, you will then be prompted with a standard get-file dialog. Navigate to your AMK application and open it. The title will be launched and will not crash, you'll also notice there are no spinning cursors. You must use AMK Launch'NPlay to open a title EVERY TIME you want to play it.

Please contact AppleLink: DEVSUPPORT if you experience any problems with any of these solutions.

These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012