The exact cost per page depends on the percentage of black and color coverage you want. Below is a chart containing some sample page coverage amounts with the estimated street price for consumables factored in.
Type of Printout | Page Coverage | Cost per page |
Black & White | 5% (Typical business letter) | $.03 US |
Black & White | 7.5% (Informal letter) | $.05 US |
Color | 20% (Typical proposal including a chart, a small graphic, and text) | $.13 US |
Color | 58% (Complex desktop publishing page) | $.35 US |
Color | 77% (Presentation page with a large photo or background, graphic, and text) | $.46 US |
Costs may vary. The color blue is made from different percentages of cyan and magenta. If a file contains blue instead of cyan, the cost is higher as more magenta is applied. There is no 100% coverage information since 100% of all colors would produce a solid "muddy" brown/black page.