Macintosh Problem/Cure: Sporadic Loss of Parameter Memory

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The problem Macintosh is at least 2 years
old and begins to sporadically use the paramaters set into its
parameter memory.

CAUSE: The Macintosh's battery is only designed to last two years
and may be losing its charge.

CURE: Check the Macintosh's serial number for the below date

Typical serial number = F4325HR
F = Built in Fremont
4 = The last digit of the year built. In this case 84
32 = The week of production. In this case the 32nd week
in 1984
5HR = Information is not necessary for this article.

IMPORTANT: If you replace the battery, make sure that you
record the date on a sticker or something. Then two years from
the date you replaced the batteries, the troubleshooter will be able
to determine the date when those batteries were installed.

If this cure does not resolve the problem, go back to the Word Search
screen and search on the product's name and HTS and GTS to obtain a
General Troubleshooting procedure.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012