Megaphone: Caller Hears Me, I Can‘t Hear Them (5/96)

This article gives suggestions for troubleshooting a problem encountered when using the MegaPhone software. After establishing a telephony connection with another person, you cannot hear the other party, but they can hear you.
This appears to be a conflict between the telephony software and the External CD Sound extension. The External CD Sound extension allows you to connect an external CD-ROM player and play audio CD-ROM discs through the internal speaker. See the TIL article "System 7.5: What The External CD Sound Extension Does" for more information on what this extension does.

You can work around this issue by disabling the External CD Sound extension by either removing it from your Extensions folder in your System Folder or using the Extensions Manager control panel to turn it off. In either case, you will have to restart your Macintosh before the changes will take effect.

You should also make sure that the Internal Modem Sound extension is present in your Extensions folder. If you have a Macintosh Performa 5300 or 6300 series computer, or have installed the Audio Volume Installer update, instead of the Internal Modem Sound extension, you should verify that the Audio Volume extension has not been removed.

The appropriate file can be found on your startup disc using the path: Hard Disk Files -> System Software files -> Extensions ->.

Once you copy the file to your hard disk, drag the file over your closed System Folder. Click OK when the system software asks to place the file in its proper folder.

Since your Performa has an internal CD-ROM drive, the presence or absence of the External CD Sound extension should not affect the operation of the computer. If you want to hear audio CD-ROM discs played on an external CD-ROM player through your computer's internal speaker, you will have to reinstall the External CD Sound extension or turn it back on in the Extensions Manager and restart.

Article Change History:
23 May 1996 - Changed wording for clarity.
25 Jan 1996 - Corrected minor typo.
18 Jan 1996 - Clarified Performa 6300 information.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012