Neither broadcast faxing, nor batch faxing are supported by Apple Telecom 2.x software.
Below is a brief description of the broadcast faxing process:
In a typical fax, the common body is rasterized and compressed only once. The prepared material is then transmitted multiple times - one copy to each different recipient specified. The mechanism used to send a fax containing a document to multiple addresses is called a Distribution List. Broadcast transmissions are not broken into multiple calls.
Although the Apple Telecom 2.x software will allow multiple destinations to be selected in the Fax Sender dialog box, the document will be rasterized and compressed for each destination chosen. For example, if 20 destinations are chosen, the document being faxed will be rasterized and compressed 20 times.
Below is a brief description of the batch faxing process:
The process of batch faxing creates an envelope containing several different rasterized images or documents into one master file. For example, an envelope could be a report containing a cover letter, spreadsheet, chart, and graphics created within separate applications. The envelope containing these separate documents can then be faxed as one transmission.
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