MAE: Macintosh Viruses Within MAE

Is there any concern for computer viruses within Macintosh Application Environment (MAE)? Will a Macintosh computer virus affect only my Macintosh files, or could it also harm the UNIX files as well? What application can be used to check for viruses?
Macintosh viruses can damage UNIX files that the user has permissions to. Normally, a Macintosh virus attacks the resource fork which does not exist for UNIX files. However, there may be the possibility of damage if the virus attacks the data file.

MAE includes Disinfectant 2.5, located in ./apple/tools/shareware. Using the selected scan option (hold down the Option key) in Disinfectant should scan for any virus affected files.

Using products like SAM Intercept may work, however, SAM Intercept has not been fully tested. Also Norton Utilities has not been tested, because of certain hardware and disk assumptions that will not match with UNIX workstations.

For information on downloading the latest version of Disinfectant refer to:
TIL aritcle 30487: "Disinfectant: Macintosh Anit-Viral Utility"

The Tech Info Library article#17159: "Locating Vendor Information", can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012