1. The Macintosh XL Screen Kit alters the video display of a Macintosh XL
(Lisa 2/10 or Lisa 2) so that the video display pixels are square (as on the
Macintosh screen) as opposed to the pixel ratio on the Lisa (2 units
wide by 3 units tall). This eliminates the distortion experienced by XL
users when running Macintosh software under MacWorks XL. The video display
is changed from 720 x 364 to 608 x 431 pixels.
2. The kit contains 4 components:
1 transformer installed in line with the yoke of the CRT (yellow and
green wires)
Video State ROM P/N 341-0348 installed in location C 6 (CPU Board)
Boot ROM (High) P/N 341-0347 installed in location D 13 (CPU Board)
Boot ROM (Low) P/N 341-0346 installed in location D 14 (CPU Board)
3. The version of the boot ROM that is displayed in the upper left corner
of the XL while booting is 3A. On an XL the I/O ROM is still 88; on the
Lisa 2 the I/O ROM is A8.
4. A new version of Mac XL Test, P/N 077-0206 is required to run diagnostics
on a pixel modified Macintosh XL. Earlier versions of XL Test will not run
properly on a modified XL.
5. A full screen dump on a Macintosh XL still wraps the right part of the
screen around to the left side of the printer page, but due to the reduced
number of pixels horizontally, 720 vs. 608, the printing does not actually
overwrite the left side of the screen dump.
6. The pixel fix kit greatly improves the performance of Microsoft
Chart. The printed graph does not show up in unexpected locations on the
printed copy after it looked perfect on the screen of your XL.
7. Very important: Once the pixel fix kit is installed, the customer will
be unable to run Lisa software. Since the first part of the Lisa-to-Mac
migration is run under the Lisa Office System, which cannot be done on a
system that has been modified with the Screen Kit, install the pixel fix
after you use the migration utility to transfer your Lisa software to the
Macintosh environment.