Apple Media Tool: Dissolve Effects Require 256 colors

When working in an Apple Media Tool project, I cannot get the dissolve effect to work. Why?
In order to use the dissove effect you must set both the project and your monitor to 256 colors. If you set the project to 256 colors, but your monitor is set to thousands or millions of colors, your projects work, but without the dissolve effects.

A 256-color project runs correctly after being compiled as a runtime because the runtime automatically switches the monitor to the correct settings. Runtime projects created with thousands or millions of colors will not display dissolve effects.

Changing Color Depth On A New Project

Apple Media Tool
To change your project to a different color depth

1) Choose Preferences from the File menu
2) From the hierachical menu choose Screen

Monitors Control Panel
To change your monitor to a different color depth

1) Open your Monitors control panel
2) Select the number of colors or grays you want
3) Close the Monitors control panel

Changing Color Depth On An Existing Project

1) Create a New Project by choosing New from the File menu.
2) Set the preferences to the required settings
a) Choose Preferences from the File menu
b) From the hierachical menu choose Screen
3) Open the orignal project and choose Select All from the Edit menu
4) Choose Copy from the Edit menu
5) Switch to the Map window of the new project and Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012