tell application "Finder"
set AppName to name of every process whose frontmost is true
end tell
tell application AppName to quit
Call it "Quit Application", since speech recognition seems to be able to better discern things that are more than one syllable.
This worked fine for most cases. Other cases to handle are desk accessories (not scriptable at all), old applications that do not support the core AppleEvents and the Finder itself. This involved more checking and trapping of errors. Instead of putting up dialogs to display error messages, these additional lines of code will cause the Macintosh to speak the error messages in response to a spoken command.
By adding more error checking, the script evolved into:
property SpeakErrs : true -- false => display dialog
set AppScriptable to false
set AppName to "the current process" -- initialize from leftover values
tell application "Finder"
set ProcName to every process whose frontmost is true
if ProcName is not {} then --something other than Finder
set AppName to the name of every process whose frontmost is true
--kinds are "application program", "desk accessory"
set ProcKind to kind of file of every process whose frontmost is true
with timeout of 5 seconds -- sluggish section for unresponsive applications
if ProcKind is "application program" then
set AppScriptable to
the scriptable of file of every process whose frontmost is true
set Msg to "Sorry, cannot quit " & ProcKind & AppName &
". It does not support scripting."
end if
end timeout
set AppName to "Finder"
set Msg to "You should not quit the Finder."
end if
end tell
-- note: this section operates in the context of the frontmost application
-- in case dialogs are displayed
if AppScriptable then
with timeout of 3 seconds
tell application AppName to quit
end timeout
end if
on error ErrMsg number ErrNmbr
-- - 903 = no PPC port; i.e. not scriptable
-- -2704 = application not scriptable
if ErrNmbr = -903 or ErrNmbr = -2704 then
set Msg to AppName &
" is not scriptable or does not support the quit AppleEvent."
log ("Error " & ErrNmbr & ": " & ErrMsg)
display dialog "Error " & ErrNmbr & ": " & ErrMsg
end if
end try
on GiveError(TheMsg)
if SpeakErrs then
say TheMsg
display dialog TheMsg buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if
end GiveError