Open Transport 1.0.7: Read Me

This article is the Open Transport Read Me file.
Name: Open Transport 1.0.7 Patch
Version: n/a
Released: August 21, 1995
Description: This application updates Open Transport from version 1.0.6 to version 1.0.7. Please see below for further information.

The enclosed file is a self-extracting archive. To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it).

From the "Open Transport 1.0.7 Patch Read Me"

What is this patch?
The Open Transport 1.0.7 patch consists of a patching application called Open Tpt 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7 Patcher, a new TCP/IP Control Panel, and this Read Me file.

Open Tpt 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7 Patcher is a self-contained application that provides an update to the Open Transport software already installed on your system. To use this update application you must have Mac OS version 7.5.2 installed on your computer, and you must have Open Transport version 1.0.6 already installed on your system.

When successfully completed, the Open Transport Internet Library and the TCP/IP control panel will have been updated to Open Transport version 1.0.7. All other components of Open Transport will remain at version 1.0.6.

Who needs this patch?
This update is recommended for all Power Macintosh systems with the PCI bus, including the Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500. It will be especially valuable if you use SLIP or PPP to access the Internet or other TCP/IP resources.

This update CANNOT be used with any beta or test versions of Open Transport, or on the Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100, or 680x0-based Macintosh computers.

How do I use this patch?

What are the differences between Open Transport 1.0.6 and 1.0.7

* Slip/PPP Configuration Change

When using SLIP or PPP over Open Transport 1.0.7, either with Manual or BOOTP configuration mode, you are no longer required to configure a Router address or a Subnet Mask. When these are not manually configured, they will be generated automatically based on the IP address assigned by the SLIP/PPP server or by the BOOTP server.

In general, it is recommended that these fields be left blank when using SLIP or PPP unless your network manager has specified otherwise. If you do manually configure these items, you must enter a Subnet Mask that places your Router's IP address and your own assigned IP address on the same subnet. If these two addresses are on different subnets, you won't be able to send data to remote hosts.

* Improved SLIP or PPP*Performance

SLIP or PPP throughput performance has been improved by changing the interrupt level at which inbound SLIP or PPP data is processed.

* Networks with more than 256 zones

The TCP/IP control panel now works correctly with networks having more than 256 zones. Previous versions of the control panel sometimes crashed when selecting a zone on a network with more than 256 zones.

I have a Power Mac 9500 with an earlier version of Open Transport software. How do I get a copy of Open Transport version 1.0.6 so that I can use this patch?

Users who previously bought a Power Macintosh 9500 can get upgrade information from the Apple Software Updates web site at

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012