Power Macintosh 9500: MacroMedia FreeHand 5.0 Needs Update 8/95

When I run MacroMedia FreeHand 5.0 on my Power Macintosh 9500, the Xtras do not load. How can I get these to run?
You need to update to version FreeHand 5.0.2, which specifically addresses this issue. MacroMedia has separate updaters from 5.0 to 5.0.1, and from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2, so you need to update FreeHand 5.0 with both. Contact MacroMedia for update information.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012