Multiple Scan 15: Missing/Incompatible ColorSync 2.0 Profiles

There may be some issues with an early version of the ColorSync 2.0 Profile for the Multiple Scan 15 Display. The following article describes the possible issues and the solution.
1) With some applications (such as Photoshop), an error message is being produced which reports the monitor's settings are invalid. In these same configurations, other profiles are working fine and other applications are not having errors with this same ColorSync 2.0 Profile.

2) Some Apple computers, including the Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500 series computers, did not ship with the ColorSync 2.0 Profiles installed for the Apple Multiple Scan 15 display.

In both cases, obtain the latest ColorSync Profile for the Multiple Scan 15 Display. This profile has been updated and rolled into the version of the currently posted version of ColorSync 2.0 Rev. The "Apple Multiple Scan 15" profile has a modification date of May 31, 1995 while all other ColorSync profiles have a modification date of Mar 23, 1995.

This article can help you locate the software update mentioned here:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012