Newton Connection: Multiple Sync Folders

I synchronize my MessagePad 120 every couple of days, with my computer using the Newton Connection Kit 2.0. I noticed that in the Newton Connection folder, I have three folders "My Name's Newton", "My Name 1's Newton" and "My Name 2's Newton". I can tell by the last modification date that the "My Name 2's Newton" folder contains the most current files, but why do I have three folders?
You are correct in assuming that "My Name 2's Newton" contains the most current synchronization files. Another way to find the most current set of sync files is to check the creation date on the folder. The most recently created folder has the most recent creation date. The folder should also have the highest "user name x's" number.

The MessagePad has a unique identification code that is not apparent to the user. This identification code is used by the Newton Connection Kit to ensure synchronization occurs between the MessagePad and the appropriate files which have matching identification numbers.

If the MessagePad is erased, a new identification number is created on the MessagePad. The next time the Newton Connection Kit synchronizes, the identification code on the MessagePad does not match the identification code on the previous synchronization files, so a new set of files, with the same name and a numerical suffix added, are created.

Before throwing away the older synchronization files, you may want to copy the information out of the old Archive files, and paste it into the new Archive file. This is not necessary if you do not want to keep track of the data that has been removed from the MessagePad.

Once you have removed the previous synchronization files, you can delete the number 2 from the name of the current synchronization files to avoid any confusion.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012