Open Transport 1.1 or the latest version is recommended for all Power Macintosh computers with a PCI bus, including the Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500. It will be especially valuable if you use SLIP or PPP to access the Internet, or other TCP/IP resources.
The first release of System 7.5.2 which shipped with the first Power Macintosh 9500 computers did not include a piece of code called the ".enet shim", or in other words, an .enet Compatibility Module. This shim is required for applications such as MacIPX, SoftPC networking, DECnet and others to interact with Open Transport.
The .enet shim is no longer needed for compatibility after upgrading to Open Transport 1.1.
Article Change History:
15 Apr 1996 - Updated to Open Transport 1.1.
21 Nov 1995 - Updated to Open Transport 1.0.8.