Macintosh XL: Incompatible With System 4.0 & ImageWriter LQ

People have asked if Macintosh XL can run on System 4.0, and if it can use
System 4.0 to run an ImageWriter LQ.

The Macintosh XL was officially discontinued on May 1, 1986, and there is
no new hardware or software development (including system software) for the
Macintosh XL. Software and hardware support will continue for five years from
the date the machine was discontinued.

At the time of the Macintosh XL discontinuation, the System software was
System 3.2 and Finder 5.3. This software contained patches that allowed it
to run on a Macintosh XL. Any System software released AFTER these versions
does not contain the necessary patches to run properly on the Macintosh XL.

The ImageWriter LQ must use current versions of the System file (version 4.1
or later), Finder (version 5.5 or later), and Chooser (version 3.1 or later)
with ImageWriter LQ printer resources, so ImageWriter LQ should not be used
with a Macintosh XL.

For further information on enhancements for Macintosh XL, search under: Sun

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012