These updates will work on all the computers that shipped with System 7.5.2, however, each computer series needs to have different updates installed.
Apple recommends you install the System 7.5 Update 2.0 software which includes each of these updates and will install over the original 1.0 version of the System Enabler 7.0.1 on the Power Macintosh 9500 computers. The System 7.5 Update 2.0 can be obtained from the Apple Order Center.
Some of these updates are integrated into other parts of the system software. Review the "System 7.5 Update 2.0: What's New in This Update" files installed by the update for more information.
The following are included in the System 7.5 Update 2.0:
* Power Macintosh 9500 systems running version 1.0 of System Enabler 701 should use System 7.5 Update 2.0. This CD includes Open Transport 1.1, Apple Menu Options 1.1.2, and many other updates.
* Apple Menu Options 1.1.2 is updated and available in this update.
**Power Macintosh 7200 and 9500 customers no longer need to add Sound Manager 3.1 separately. This extension is built into the update and does not need to be installed separately on these computers.
* All computers with System 7.5.2 and Open Transport should update to Open Transport 1.1 available as part of this update.
* The System 7.5.2 Printing Update version 1.1 addresses a printing problem that may occur on Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500 computers using System 7.5.2. Without this fix, your computer may freeze if you attempt to print on a network-based printer that is already busy. The update is comprised of 7.5.2 Printing Fix, LaserWriter 8.3.2, and SerialDMA. All three components are incorporated in this update.
* If your computer is using a built-in Ethernet port to connect to your network, you should install this update. The update incorporates the Built-in Ethernet extension and fixes an issue that may occur on Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500 computers when transferring large files to AFP servers. The symptom is the transfer fails with a -1072 error and the computer disappears from the network.
* If you use Desktop Printing Software on your Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, or 9500 series computer, you should use this update.
The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for the Apple Order Center's phone number.
These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:
* "Where To Find Apple Software Updates" -- Lists online services for free Apple software updates.
* "Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA" -- Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech Info Library.
Article Change History:
03 Jun 1996 - Updated for technical accuracy.
27 May 1996 - Updated for technical accuracy.
20 May 1996 - Added reference to updates in System 7.5 Update 2.0.