First, you must have a Finder item selected before that option will appear in the Find File pop-up menu. If you have made sure that either a volume, folder, or floppy disk is selected (dark or highlighted) and you still do not see the option of "in the Finder Selection" then you should make sure the Finder Scripting Extension is loaded in your system software.
If you have moved your Finder Scripting Extension out of your Extensions folder, or disabled it using the Extensions Manager, the "in Finder Selection" option will be dimmed. To resolve this issue:
Step 1
Use the Find File application to find the Finder Scripting Extension.
If the Finder Scripting Extension has been deleted from your computer, you should restore your system software from your System 7.5 installation disks, Performa CD, or Apple Backup disks.
Step 2
Make sure the Finder Scripting Extension is inside your Extensions folder. If it is anywhere else on your hard drive, drag it to your closed System Folder, click OK when asked if you want it placed where it belongs.
Step 3
Restart your Macintosh, hold down the spacebar on the keyboard until the Extensions Manager window opens. If there is not a checkmark to the left of the Finder Scripting Extension, click on the words Finder Scripting Extension to put one there.
Step 4
Close the Extensions Manager by clicking on the box in the upper left corner.
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