The PowerTalk keychain on a PowerShare server has a Guest entry, for the PowerShare system, that gets created automatically. The Guest entry gets created if the PowerShare Mail Server or the PowerShare Admin application is launched, and there is no pre-existing keychain entry for that PowerShare system.
To successfully add a keychain entry on the computer acting as the server, follow these steps:
Step 1
Make sure that neither the PowerShare Mail Server, nor the PowerShare Admin application launch at startup (check to make sure these applications are not in the Startup Items folder).
Step 2
Open the PowerTalk keychain and remove the Guest PowerShare entry. This will require that you restart of the computer.
Step 3
After the computer restarts, launch the PowerShare Catalog Server application.
Step 4
Open the PowerTalk keychain and add a PowerShare service for the user name which will receive mail on this computer (that is Administrator). Note: This user must already exist in the PowerShare catalog.
Step 5
Launch the PowerShare Mail Server application.
Step 6
Launch the PowerShare Admin application and verify that the user's Mailbox is on a valid mail server (that is not set to None).
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