PowerShare SMTP Gateway: Launch With -1625 Error (9/95)

When attempting to launch an SMTP Gateway on a PowerShare server, we encounter an error, -1625. How can this be resolved?
The AOCE (Apple Open Collaborative Environment) error being reported, -1625 (kOCEStreamCreationErr), indicates the SMTP Gateway was unable to open a communication stream with the Catalog server. To resolve, first make sure the Catalog server is running and processing requests through PowerShare Admin. Restart the Catalog Server if necessary.

If the Catalog server exhibits no problems, check for the existence of a "Guest" entry in the PowerTalk keychain on the computer with the SMTP server. If such an entry exists it would prevent the creation of an "authenticated" communication session with the PowerShare Catalog Server even if it is on the same computer.

The occurrence of a "Guest" entry is not unusual because it gets created if the PowerShare Mail Server or the PowerShare Admin application is launched on a computer with no pre-existing keychain entry for its associated PowerShare system.

The steps to remove "Guest" from the keychain and to prevent its recurrence follow:

Step 1
Make sure that neither the PowerShare Mail Server, nor the PowerShare Admin application launch at startup (check to make sure these applications are not in the Startup Items folder).

Step 2
Open the PowerTalk keychain and remove the "Guest" PowerShare entry. This will require a restart of the computer.

Step 3
After the computer restarts, launch the PowerShare Catalog Server application.

Step 4
Open the PowerTalk keychain and add a PowerShare service for a valid user name (that is "Administrator"). Note: This user must already exist in the PowerShare catalog.

If a valid user entry exists in the PowerTalk keychain and the -1625 error still occurs, there is a problem with the PowerShare permissions for that user. In such a case either that user would need to be granted wider permissions or the keychain entry would need to be replaced with a user already possessing wider permissions.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012