PowerBook 150: Global Village Modem Software Update (10/95)

Article Reviewed/Updated: 3 October 1995

Since Apple doesn't make a modem for my PowerBook 150, I bought a Global Village internal modem which I was told would work with this model PowerBook. However, it doesn't seem to work quite right. I have heard that no modems work well with this PowerBook. Is that true? Is there something wrong with my system software or the modem itself?
You are correct in saying that the Macintosh PowerBook 150 does not support an Apple Express Modem. However, there are several third party internal modem options available to owners of these computers, including Global Village.

According to Global Village, their PowerPort family of modems (Bronze, Silver and Gold) are designed to work in the PowerBook 150. There is, however, a software update needed for the Macintosh PowerBook 150 computer users. You need to use the PowerPort 2.0.8a software, not the PowerPort 2.0.8 software which came with the modem. You will need to call Global Village to find out how to obtain the updated software.

NOTE: This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor (Global Village) for additional information.

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Article Change History:
03 Oct 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012