The most common issue with Open Transport TCP/IP configuration is, the bootp server has not been configured to return a domain name, and no domain name was specified in the Open Transport TCP/IP control panel.
In order to permit the resolution of partially qualified domain names, Open Transport TCP/IP requires a domain name to be configured, either in the control panel, or from your BOOTP/DHCP server. This corresponds to the default domain in MacTCP. In order to use the DNR at all, Open Transport TCP/IP also needs the address of at least one domain name server, but it can also be configured or returned from a server. This information was included in the Open Transport documentation, but did not get included in balloon help.
Either configure the bootp server to return a domain name, or enter a domain name in the TCP/IP control panel. You must be in Advanced user mode in the Open Transport TCP/IP control panel to do this.
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